Sacred Space(s)

We all make sacred spaces… a tent or a fort.. a tree house or magic garden. We know when we enter that space - that somehow - all is well and we are safe.

What do you remember ~

This a place to share your thoughts about safe places - I wanted to share my thoughts on safe places in dance:

The Studio~ Is a safe place to move and discover, ourbody/ourSelves. We sculpt and mold the space as we resonate within and around ourselves.

In formal dance classes, we have the teacher/Master who will share, teach, pass on the training. The Master the studio - ‘owns’ the center space with students surrounding in the beginning. If it is a ballet Classe - there is a barre with formal places for ‘ honored guests’. from which students/dancers are invited into the Center - in formal groups with formal placements and invitations from the teacher/Master of the Class.

Did you know that the center of the class space is a sacred space - a place for you to be invited into- to show yourSelf! Groups and lines used to be a formal placement - with honored guests in the front lines - probably in the first group; first line. I hated being in the 3rd line/3rd Group - but I worked to be asked to 2st line/1st group. The first line always had the responsibility to know and execute so that the back lines could follow.

The Stage~ came from the court. In old theaters the stage also rose to the heavens - tall, taller- a place to store the sets and curtains. It rose into the heavens and connected the performer between heaven and earth. Like the court it had a ‘crown’ - symbolic of the dancer being the connector between the spheres.

My classes ~ is a place to discover you in and through movement. Your body is a sacred space: filled with memories - that perhaps you do not even know. It carries history and eloquence; unknown capacities and connections. I love teaching to explore your possibilities of movement; to guide you and share what I see as your possibilities. In dance - not all bodies are able to meet the rigors of various genres, techniques, demands, sustainability. In training - we can explore and open up to possibilities and limitations; worked toward goals and breathe into the beauty of what moving with ease, clarity without injuring either our bodies or our psyche.

Being~ Now, there is a question?


Lest we forget…


Our Bodies…. Our Selves!