Lest we forget…

I really ‘love’ teaching! … continually humbled in the rediscovery in each class and every conversation… with each person ~ our sharing.

Yes - I am responsible, not only to what I know but to what I am learning - again and again; adding, discovering and re-searching.

Through dance, I have journeyed into the arts, the mind and the body… into being and becoming; shifting and changing; enfolding and unfolding. The dance has taken me into the sciences and the study of mind and body; psyche and soul, societies, communities and keeping company. Through time I have watched, observed, seen and felt changes in perspectives, acceptances and rejections; the passing on of traditions and negating of the past - deeper rootngs and destruction - all in our painful attempts to be human.

I want to share some of what I have learned in my lifetime - about the connections of our physical bodies to our mental, health and well-being and spirit! Our bodies are wonders - yes, the sanctum of our spirit; the house of our memories and the reflection of our emotions. From the beginning -we are truly amazing!


Let’s talk ~


Sacred Space(s)