Embodiment is something that we take entirely for granted.

In our own minds, we are inseparable from our visual form: our body. We tend to strongly identify with how we look, have an opinion about the shape and size of our body and notice when our body is in pain or discomfort. We judge … and expect.

In today’s world, we race, we reach, expand and extend ourselves, physically mentally, emotionally… where is the time, how can we –slow down, find ourselves, care for ourselves and others?

Many of us are not very in touch with our body - we are acculturated in our thoughts of what should be and really only pay it much attention to our bodies, minds when it starts to cause us problems.

 How is it possible that despite exercising, trying to eat well and taking time with how we look, we can still be somehow disembodied?

Our contemporary culture is strongly oriented around mental activity. A lot of emphasis is placed on using our minds to think our way through and around problems, going at such a pace that intuition doesn’t get a look in. Thinking can be very quick, especially if we’re highly educated, racing through different theoretical scenarios to come to a solution and proposed action. Computers have given us quick answers; quick definitions; quick descriptions that define our limited worlds.

We rely on these limited answers that we find through the internet and do not ask more.  Less and less do we use our imaginations or our intuition. Intuition or gut-feeling needs us to be still and considered, allowing for decision and action to arise from a different place in us. Where can we find inspiration?

This emphasis on mind and thinking takes us away from our bodies. Even if we take a lot of exercise we can still be out of touch with our body, escaping into our thoughts without even noticing that that’s what we’re doing.

The body is full of wisdom that can support us throughout our lives if we can only hear it speak to us. Becoming full embodied is not a process of becoming increasingly touchy or hyper-sensitive, rather it is an ongoing experience of coming into touch with our own well-being. Our bodies … Our Selves… Coming into touch with past wounds and future possibilities…choices based on understanding rather than loosing or negating ourselves in our rush to be.

By gently taking time, settling in to any or many sensations; practicing being quiet and allowing ourselves to have a felt-sense of our body, we can start to understand what is held in our body .  Doing this is almost in opposition to today’s swirling living.  BUT – try it – for 2-3 minutes or more – take some time for you to say hello to you – sense….  You know yourself better than anyone…. You may not understand what come to your senses.  (Overtime)  It takes time but you will sense your precious self…maybe a physical disfunction in a system or a memory comes to mind, or an emotion trickles in or overwhelms you…. This sensing is wonder-full -filled with your tools for living – physically, mentally and emotionally.




It is about beauty…

Discovery, Connections, Mysteries and Wonders of being human – in this human form.

Classes, Workshops, Trainings and Individual Session offer information, ask you to wonder, investigate; and stay open to more discovery and wonder with all that you know!

 It is NOT about knowledge and information – it IS about imagination, inspiration and intuition based in science and research, questioning and rediscovery.

 I hope you will be inspired to imagine and put pieces of information together in many new ways – trust your intuition, love all that you know,  investigate and discover… again and again.

 Life is movement – some … gentle  internal movement that we do not even feel,  some large moving our skeleton or resonating outward in energy!!   We have movement from within… and movement responsive to without…

  Let’s discover how we are  BIG! ….discover – I am  BIG!  I am like the Universe!

Energetically and physically – we are connected and connect to all the world around as it connects to us!

EA – Embodied Awareness©️ is a multi-layered system of understanding being human.

Offering ease in function, movement, health and a sense of well-being, connection, community and  amplified awareness.

 From a basic understanding of the body and mind to mind/body, psyche, and  soul always in constant movement in life.

 This is a collection of understanding, challenges, a continual evolution of understanding with information from some of the greatist minds and pioneers in physics, biology psychology, medicine, the arts and movement. 

 It is a process that continues in and toward a greater process of connections and understanding.  There are no definitions… only inquiry… always questions and discoveries.

I feel that becoming aware; embodying your awareness is empowering for both mind and body. 

Embodied Awareness©️ explores being human…It begins with life. Life is movement from the beginning.

  This information helps to eliminate some of the shame, disappointment, self-doubt, self-denial that many carry because they believe that movement and health, well-being is not for them.  It is fulfilling to know who, how, why.It dispells comparison and celebrates how we are different and yet the same – the same and yet so totally unique!



Our Bodies…. Our Selves!